Constraints in achieving Gender Equality
- Inequality in access to rights, resources and opportunities
- Lack of economic, political and socio-cultural empowerment
- High poverty levels
- Climate change disrupts livelihoods
- Lack of rehabilitation/rescue centres
- Low levels of coordination amongst partners
Opportunities in promoting Gender Equality
- Presence of coordinating structures like the Intergovernmental relations technical committee
- Gender Sector Working Group
- Existing and rollout of Sexual Gender Based Violence Policy
- Affirmative action and AGPO
- Existing of community health volunteers
- Mainstreaming Gender in programs like Agricultural Value Chain Development Program in World Bank
Cultural and Heritage conservation
This sector deals with promotion and coordination of cultural activities, documentation and preservation of indigenous knowledge and other elements of intangible cultural heritage.
Our general objective is to promote, preserve and showcase Migori’s cultural and arts heritage; through the formation and implementation of policies, programs and projects for the improved livelihood and holistic development of the people of Migori County, as citizens of Kenya.