Migori CountyA jewel in the making

Public Service Management and Devolution

Engaged in ensuring and coordinating the participation of communities and locations in the governance at the local level and assisting various communities and locations to develop their administrative capacity for the effective exercise of the functions and powers and participation in the governance at the local level.


Governance and Administration
Monitoring and Evaluation
ICT, e-Governance and Innovation


Governing the innovative leadership and providing exemplary and quality public service.


Provision of Exceptional and quality services that will make Migori County, a first class community in which to live, work and develop.

Our Mandate

To provide for evaluation and reporting on the extent to which the values and principles referred to in article 10 and 232 of the constitution are complied with the CPS.

To provide for the organisation, staffing and functions of the CPS in ways that ensure efficiency, quality and productive services for the people of the County. Provide for institutions, systems and mechanisms for human resource utilization and development in a manner that best enhance service delivery by CPS institutions.

Our Functions

  • Classifying job:
    The department outlines job descriptions, pay range, qualifications and job performance standards.
  • Managing Compensations:
    The department determines how much the county compensates its employees so as to remain competitive within the workforce.
  • Managing Benefits:
    The HR develop and manages the county fringe benefit programs, Health insurance, Vocations, Sick leave, Holiday leave and Study leave.
  • Managing Employment Relations:
    The county HR Director assists or directs employees who feel they have grievances to air.

Leadership Team

These are the Public Service Management and Devolution department team leaders tasked to deliver the mandate of the County Government.
Hon Eng.
John Kobado
County Executive Committee Member
Nelson Wasonga
Chief-Officer ICT, e-Governance and Innovation
John Michael Midwa
Chief Officer - Department of Governance and Administration.
George Odhiambo Olieng'
Chief Officer - Public Service Management and Devolution
Starlet Oduory
Chief Officer - Special Programmes
Carolene Roche
Carolene Roche
Charles Gucha
Charles Gucha
Director-ICT, e-Governance and Innovation
Daudi Obado
Daudi Obado
Director-M & E
Tom Kwasi
Tom Kwasi
Director PSM & Devolution

Photo Gallery

Views from the ground... See the Public Service Management and Devolution department team in action.
21 photos
Final Inspection of South Sawa and North Kamagambo Ward Offices
Album: Final Inspection of South Sawa and North Kamagambo Ward Offices

Report Corruption

Fill in the form below to report any incidences of corruption. Your report will be submitted anonymously to reportcorruption@migori.go.ke