Migori CountyA jewel in the making

Water and Energy

The department is headed by the CECM, with a Chief Officer and two directors – one for water services and another for energy services. It has five divisions for ease of execution of the mandate.


Water Services


To ensure access to reliable, quality and affordable Water, Sanitation and Energy services.


To promote a conducive environment for development of Water, Sanitation and Energy infrastructure and services.

Our Mandate

The core mandate of the department is to provide safe, adequate and affordable water, sustainable sanitation and energy services to the citizens of the county through enabling environment, infrastructure development and operation and maintenance of the existing infrastructure.

Our Functions

  1. To provide safe, reliable, quality and affordable Water, sustainable Sanitation and Energy services for Migori County residents.
  2. To enhance awareness of Migori residents on sustainable Water, Sanitation and Energy technologies.
  3. To create an enabling County Policy and Legislative environment for provision of safe and adequate Water, Sanitation and affordable/alternative Energy Services.
  4. To create an enabling environment for financing of Water, Sanitation and Energy infrastructure and building Private Public Partnerships.

Leadership Team

These are the Water and Energy department team leaders tasked to deliver the mandate of the County Government.
Hon Silas Owuor Onyango
County Executive Committee Member
Rhoda Nchangwa
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Julliet Adhiambo

Report Corruption

Fill in the form below to report any incidences of corruption. Your report will be submitted anonymously to reportcorruption@migori.go.ke