The county secretary is the head of the county public service (Article 235 of the Kenyan Constitution). Public service means the collectivity of all individuals, other than State officers, performing a function within a State organ.
The county secretary is responsible for arranging the business and keeping the minutes, of the county executive committee subject to the directions of the executive committee.
The county secretary also conveys the decisions of the county executive committee to the appropriate persons or authorities.
Lastly, the county secretary may perform any other functions as directed by the county executive committee.
The County Public Service Board may delegate, in writing, any of its functions to the county secretary.
The national government ministry or government department responsible for matters relating to intergovernmental relations may, in collaboration with the relevant county secretary, consult with the cabinet secretary for finance on any matter of support relating to finance at the county level.
Oscar Olima is credited as an efficient and conscientious professional in Public relations, Administration, IT and Management with over 20 years of active work experience in Kenya, USA, England, Germany, Ethiopia and Senegal.