Migori CountyA jewel in the making

Agriculture, Livestock, Veterinary Services, Fisheries and Blue Economy

Migori County majorly relies on agriculture for its economic growth. Both crops, livestock keeping and aquaculture are not only prominent but also spread through all the 40 wards. 80% of the population derives its livelihood from agricultural activities.


Fisheries and Blue Economy
Veterinary Services


Government Rd, Opposite Huduma Centre, Migori Town,
P.O. Box 210 – 40400,


An innovative, competitive, commercially oriented and modern agriculture, livestock and fisheries & blue economy development for enhanced food security and income generation.


To improve livelihoods of Migori Country community through promotion of competitive and sustainable agriculture, livestock and fisheries sub sectors, growth of viable, equitable distribution and sustainable management of natural resources.

Our Mandate

Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries (ALF) department has the mandate to: promote, regulate and facilitate agriculture, livestock and fisheries for food security, industrialization and socio-economic development.

Our Functions

  1. Formulation, implementation and monitoring of legislations, regulations and related county policies. This will create enabling environment for Agricultural sector development;
  2. Provision of extension services and enhancing accessibility of affordable inputs and credit to farmers;
  3. Support the implementation of evidence- based intervention and promote service delivery with a view of increasing agricultural sector productivity and outputs;
  4. Development, implementation and coordination of programmes in the sector;
  5. Regulating and quality control of inputs, produce and products from the sector;
  6. Management and control of pests, vectors and diseases in crops, livestock and fisheries;
  7. Promoting management and conservation of the natural resource base for agriculture sector;
  8. Collecting, collating, storage, management and dissemination of information in the agriculture sector;
  9. Promote development of agro-based industries through value addition initiatives and supporting market access and product development;
  10. Promoting sustainable land use and conservation of the environment;
  11. Enhancing institutional efficiency and effectiveness in implementation and service delivery.

Leadership Team

These are the Agriculture, Livestock, Veterinary Services, Fisheries and Blue Economy department team leaders tasked to deliver the mandate of the County Government.
Lucas Mosenda
County Executive Committee Member
Hon. Lucas Mosenda is a Team Leader, a seasoned Programmes Manager, value chain development and climate smart agriculture expert with a wide range of experience in management.
Keya Madafu Isaac
Keya Madafu Isaac
Chief Officer - Agricultural Development
John Michael Midwa
Chief Officer - Department of Governance and Administration.
Elvis Odalo Kithine
Chief Officer - Livestock and Veterinary
George Ochola
Chief Officer - Fisheries and Blue Economy
Charles Ogechi Nyaanga
Charles Ogechi Nyaanga
Ag. Director of Livestock Production
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Erick O. Orimbo
Ag. Director of Veterinary Services
Judith Okinda - Ag. Climate Change
Judith Okinda
Director - Fisheries & Blue Economy
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Billy Nyagaya

Photo Gallery

Views from the ground... See the Agriculture, Livestock, Veterinary Services, Fisheries and Blue Economy department team in action.
26 photos
Donations from the Embassy of Korea
Album: Donations from the Embassy of Korea

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