Migori CountyA jewel in the making

Roads, Transport and Public Works

The first schedule of the Kenya constitution created all the county governments, Migori County being one of them. The functions and powers of county government are anchored on the fourth schedule where the department draws its legal framework.


Roads and Transport
Public Works


Tel: +254-059-20928


To be the leading Department in the construction and maintenance of Roads, Government buildings, formulation and execution of Transport policies.


To provide both technical support and enabling policy framework for all public works, roads and transport sector that enhances sustainable development, socio-economic growth and prosperity to all county citizens.

Our Mandate

The department is primed as a priority objective in the county government’s collective effort towards improving the lives of Migori county citizenry. The key strategy of the department in this front is therefore to invest in infrastructural development with specific regard to:

  1. County roads.
  2. Traffic & parking.
  3. Public road transport.
  4. Ferries and harbours excluding the regulations of international and national shipping and matters related thereto.

Our Functions

  1. Develop, maintain and manage county road network.
  2. To promote building of quality and safe structures in the county.
  3. To build capacity of staff for efficient and effective servic3e delivery.
  4. To improve accessibility across the county.

Leadership Team

These are the Roads, Transport and Public Works department team leaders tasked to deliver the mandate of the County Government.
John Oringo
County Executive Committee Member
Collins Oduogo Oyugi
Collins Oduogo Oyugi
Chief Officer - Public Works and Infrastructure Development.
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Gershon Okoth Njoga
Chief Officer - Roads and Transport.
Elphas Onyango
Elphas Onyango
Director- Roads
Charles Wambura
Charles Wambura
Director- Public Works

Report Corruption

Fill in the form below to report any incidences of corruption. Your report will be submitted anonymously to reportcorruption@migori.go.ke