Migori CountyA jewel in the making

Migori County Joins Edible Oil Crops Promotion Project in Push to Boost Sunflower Production

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Migori County Joins Edible Oil Crops Promotion Project in Push to Boost Sunflower Production
The Agriculture and Food Authority (AFA) has initiated the Edible Oil Crops Promotion Project, targeting 15 counties across Kenya, including Migori, to enhance domestic production of sunflower and soya seeds. In a consultative meeting held today, technical and community administration officers discussed the project’s goals and strategies.

The project, under the Nuts and Oil Crops Directorate, focuses on increasing the productivity of edible oil crops, promoting cottage-level processing, and building the capacity of value chain actors. It also aims to develop a supportive policy and regulatory framework to sustain the initiative.

In his opening remarks, the Chief Officer in charge of Agriculture in Migori County welcomed the project, urging farmers in Awendo, Rongo, Uriri,Nyatike, and Kuria East to embrace the opportunity for improved livelihoods. He highlighted the potential benefits of the project in transforming local agriculture and increasing household incomes.
As part of the implementation plan, the County and DCC offices will spearhead community barazas in all the targeted wards to recruit farmers for the project. These meetings will provide farmers with vital information on how they can participate and benefit from the initiative.
The Edible Oil Crops Promotion Project is expected to significantly impact the local economy by boosting sunflower production, enhancing processing capabilities, and ensuring that farmers are well-equipped to contribute to the oil crops value chain.

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