Migori First Lady Dr. Agnes Ochilo,Deputy Governor Dr. Joseph Mahiri and officials from the county department of health services,attended LREB Annual Sanitation and MHM meeting and awards ceremony held in Kisumu county Ciala Resort on 21/12/2023.
Mama Agnes Ochilo Foundation was mentioned and awarded a certificate by LREB and USAID KWSP for offering sanitary management programs like the provision of sanitary towels to school going girls in the county.
Among topics discussed were: Cartalitic process in MHM and Sanitation, Mainstreaming Menstrual hygiene in all programs and projects policy formulations and implementation.
Members agreed to Management of Menstrual hygiene is a fundamental right and to Empower the women and girls, paving ways for their success and general well being.
Migori Couty also received several awards for being the Greatest LREB achevers on social behavior change in sanitation MHM and Sanitation:
The event was organised by USAID Western Kenya Sanitation Project together with other partners