Migori CountyA jewel in the making

Inspection of the main lower Kuja water intake to assess water flow to canals for the lower Kuja irrigation scheme, Nyatike Sub County.

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Officials from Migori County Government, including the CECM for Agriculture Lucas Mosenda, Chief Officer for Agriculture Michael Midwa, Chief of Staff Joseph Okumu, and County Irrigation Engineer Shem Kambogo, alongside representatives from the National Irrigation Authority (NIA), inspected the main lower Kuja water intake to assess water flow to canals for the lower Kuja irrigation scheme, Nyatike Sub County.

This joint effort between the two levels of government aims to revitalize the irrigation scheme and empower farmers within the lower Kuja area to enhance productivity.

During the visit, officials engaged with farmers from the lower Kuja region, who expressed their need for support to ensure smooth operations within the scheme.

Both the County Government of Migori and the National Government have pledged to address the concerns raised by the farmers.

As part of their support efforts, the Department of Agriculture in Migori County Government distributed rice seeds to farmers this week, a one of the proactive steps taken to facilitate the rejuvenation of the scheme.

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