The Department has had a five day rigorous training programme for critical stakeholders in the Climate Change Management in Kisumu at Joventure Hotel (25th to 29th August 2023).
The teams that have been trained included:
1. Trainers of Trainees (ToTs) picked from across the county who will then train other climate change champions, including Ward Climate Change Committee Members.
2. The Migori County Climate Change Steering Committee.
3. The Migori County Climate Change Planning Committee.
4. The Climate Change Fund Board, Fund Administrator, and their support staff.
5. Migori County Climate Change Committee (an intergovernmental committee).
They have been taken through the climate change management framework outlined in:
1. Migori County Climate Change Act 2021.
2. Migori County Climate Change Fund Act 2021.
3. The Financing Local Led Climate Action (FLLOCA), which outlines the minimum requirements by climate change funders coalescing around the National Treasury.
4. Migori County Climate Change Policy and Strategic Action Plans.
5. The National Climate Change Policy.
6. The National Climate Change Act.
At the end of this training, Migori County is expected to meet some of the donor funding requirements but above all, the County is expected to have a team prepares to help operationalizing, managing and evaluating with corrective measures, all the grassroots initiatives for mitigating and helping adapt to changes caused by temporary and permanent Climate variations.
What will the people of Migori County expect?
1. Proliferation of information on Climate change.
2. Initiatives to mitigate impacts of climate change like provisions of water in hard hit areas(solar powered boreholes et al).
3. Some support to farmers in adopting drought resistant crops.
4. Programmes for planting and nurturing trees across the county in schools, churches and homes.
5. Support to wananchi to pick up green sources of domestic and commercial energy.
We are on the move to INCLUSIVE PROSPERITY.