Mama Dr. Agnes Ochilo donates shoes(toughees) to some of the vulnerable pupils who performed very well in KCPE

Awendo Subcounty Admin Mr. Elisha Onyango together with my staff handed over donations of shoes(toughees)to some of the vulnerable pupils who performed very well in KCPE and are about to join secondary schools to further their education.
Multisectoral training on gazettement of the cultural heritage sites in Migori County

The department of Tourism together with the department of Culture led by CECM Dr. Betty Samburu and Hon. Rahab Robi respectively in partnership with the National Museums of Kenya held a multi-sectoral training on gazettement of the cultural heritage sites in Migori County.This training analyzed the value and the importance of the sites to be […]
Welcome to the Inaugural flight at Migori Airstrip on 13th September, 2023

Once operational, it is expected to open up Migori County to the world, create job opportunities especially to the youth, and ease movement of people, goods and services nonetheless making Migori the epicenter of western tourism circuit. #OchiloAyackoDelivers